Friday, March 13, 2020

pop up ads essays

pop up ads essays Pop-Up Ads: Technology isnt Always a Good Thing by Jud Peterson I. Introduction.....................................................................Page 1 A. Joe Internet User and Pop-Ups..............................Page 1 B. Some Companies Cant Live With em.....................Page 2 C. Some Companies Cant Live Without em ................Page 3 III. Conclusion....................................................................Page 4 D. References............................................................Page 6 As more and more companies go online these days, they need more and more ways to advertise their products and services. The most popular method, unfortunately, is the use of pop-up advertising. For those of you reading who are not in the know, a pop-up ad is an advertisement that appears on the computer screen out of nowhere, mostly when the pop-up victim is surfing the internet, but sometimes they will appear when the victim is not surfing the internet at all. They appear on my computer when Im not even there, but enough of my life story. Lets get back to the issue at hand. Love them or hate them, pop-up ads are here to stay. The majority of todays internet users are doing everything in their power to stop them, but somehow pop-up ads are still an effective advertising tool, so they cannot be stopped just yet. To understand the reasoning behind this, one has to see the issues from a consumers viewpoint as well as a businessmans viewpoint. Most consumers want to do away with pop-up ads, as do many businesses. However, several businesses make the bulk of their income with pop-up ads. Assuming whoever reads this is most likely a consumer who does not like pop-up ads, I will start by discussing this viewpoint and far people will go to stop pop-up ads. I am one of these consumers that wishes pop-up ads would di...